How to Turn a Lazy Hobbyist into a Professional Songwriter

How to Turn a Lazy Hobbyist into a Professional Songwriter

professional songwriter music industry gold recordsHave you ever wondered what the difference between a hobbyist and a professional songwriter was?

It’s pretty obvious: the professional songwriter considers songwriting to be their profession. It’s their main source of income, and they simply see this activity as their job. They engage in it on a daily basis.

The hobbyist, on the other hand, writes when they get inspired. This is the kind of person with great musical talent, but with another main profession. They may have a job in any field and write a song whenever they feel like it.

The hobbyist can get lazy.

That’s a bold statement, so let’s clarify it. When you consider songwriting to be your hobby, you don’t have deadlines or financial constraints to push you. You might get inspired today and start working on a song. You’ll think of its central theme, and it will sound brilliant. Tomorrow, you won’t wake up with such high levels of inspiration. So you’ll just leave the work for later on. You’ll wait for the muse to revisit you. In other words, you’ll procrastinate. That’s what we call being lazy.

It’s Time to Make a Difference: Transform yourself from a Hobbyist into a Professional Songwriter

1. Make Connections

When a producer or artist needs a song, they don’t post a traditional job ad looking for a songwriter. They rely on people they know. That’s why connections are crucial for turning your hobby into an actual profession.

If you search for people who list songwriting as their profession on LinkedIn, you’ll find several profiles. The most successful one will have connections with producers and musicians. That’s the example you need to follow.

Lionel Gorman, career expert from Best Dissertation, shares insights about the importance of networking:

“Do you have a contact who’s in a position to release and promote your song? If you do, then you’ll be able to make it in this industry. If you don’t, then you should start making connections because that’s what professional songwriters do.”

2. Attend Songwriter Events

Is LinkedIn enough for making meaningful connections within the music industry? Maybe you’ll get your big chance by contacting a producer via LinkedIn, but keep in mind that online communication is not the same thing as the real deal. When you meet people in person, they can feel your vibe, and you can present your music in a much more organic way.

When you’re part of a music event, don’t hold back and start promoting yourself. Start conversations, offer to connect on LinkedIn and other platforms, and give out your card. If you’re good at communicating and you’re good at songwriting, you’ll definitely get noticed.

3. Get a Job in a Studio

Maybe you’re not that good at building connections. It’s okay. It’s just part of your character and that doesn’t mean you can’t become a professional songwriter. It only means you’ll have to take a different road than the one most people are taking.
For starters, start applying for a position as a general assistant in a studio. At this point, you’ll need to get your impressive resume and cover letter ready. Your talent gives you an upper hand, so employers will be willing to consider you.

Once you get into a studio, you’ll be surrounded by the right people from the industry. They will be very busy working on their projects, so you can’t distract them with your offer to listen to a recording when they are not ready for it. However, you can progressively work towards better connections. At one point or another, you’ll find the perfect moment.

Conclusion: Becoming a Professional Songwriter

So what’s the main thing you need to do if you want to grow from the lazy hobbyist state of being?

  • Just be more active!
  • Do not isolate yourself!
  • Start making meaningful connections and
  • promote yourself.

If you’re good enough, your big opportunity will come.

Warren Fowler is a marketing enthusiast and a blogger at BestDissertation, who loves music. If he doesn’t have a guitar in his hands, he’s probably embracing new technologies and marketing techniques online!

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