At the heart of every song is the melody. The melody is a mix of tones and rhythmic patterns. In order to create a melody there needs to be a musical scale. The scale for the songwriter is like the pallet for the painter. The painter has on the pallet various paint colors that can be mixed to create new colors that are added to the canvas to render a picture.

Armed with the knowledge of the notes in a musical scale will help you write melodies for your songs. Obviously there is a lot more involved in writing a great song melody. Having an understanding of a musical scale is a vital thing every songwriter needs to know and understand

There is a universal love for music built into the soul of mankind. From the very day we are born to the day we die, music surrounds our lives. Music is a universal language that affects the way we act or feel. As a music composer, it is important to understand the fundamental elements that make music. To get understanding, there are three key elements that make music what it is. These elements include:

The most powerful part of any song is its chorus. A chorus can be in your face or it can be subtle. A poorly written chorus will get lost in the overall song. Therefore it is important to craft a great chorus that stand out in the song you are writing. Here are some tips to help you with writing a great chorus for your song.

The song is the foundation of the music business. A great song is vital in building success in the music industry. Another key element is doing because you love writing songs. The beauty of songwriting is it allows you to express your ideas though a creative medium. Taking raw emotion is the seed that can germinate new ideas. You can write about being in love or being angry about a social issue. The song is the vehicle that takes your ideas and turns it into a power tool of communication. With songwriting you have the privilege to freely express yourself as an artist. Within the lyrics of a song is power. Songs have the power to affect people’s lives. The songs you write will impact others in many ways. A well written song will bring the listener to a place of relationship.

Funk music originated in the mid-1960’s when African American musicians created a new music form. The name is slang word for “stink,”  This form of music used rhythmic, danceable beats through a mixture of soul music, jazz, and R&B. Funk pushed melody and chord progressions into the background and featured strong rhythmic grooves …

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