Songwriting – How to Easily Write a Strong Melody

Great melodies are crucial to great songs. This video will show you how you can easily come up with a solid, memorable melody. you’ll learn an easy technique for writing effective, singable melodies your listeners will be singing, even after your song is over.

Some of the things that I found very useful for songwriting is the use of a musical motif. A motif a short musical phase that is used as a foundation for a melody. For a motif to work it must be repeated several time in the song section. In the video Anthony creates a musical phase based on the motif. The phase is then altered and modified to create some variations.

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Using the Songwriting Checklist
  • Finding Inspiration
  • Title and Hook
  • Defining the Theme
  • Lyrics and Storytelling
  • Rhythm and Rhyme
  • Imagery and Descriptive Language
    Emotion and Delivery
  • Structuring Your Song
  • Music, Melody, and Chords
  • Revision and Refinement
  • Recording and Performance
  • Marketing and Distribution
  • Ongoing Learning
  • Collaboration
  • Celebrate Your Achievements

Songwriting can be an exciting process especially for those who love music. But this can also be challenging if you do not have the right tools. We hope that this article helped you learn how important songwriting software and tools are. These are actually vital part of your entire songwriting journey.

A songwriter is an expert whose main work is to write lyrics and melodies in songs. The songwriter profession, similar to other professions requires one to be creative, passionate and have a love for writing. A songwriter is also required to understand how to work with the latest music technology including computer sound editing, sequencers, and more.

A songwriter will create songs for other artist or bands for them to perform but the credits will remain his/hers.

Songwriters also partner with artist and other songwriters when it comes to creating materials for their shows.

To be a professional songwriter, you must be able to create lyrics and write melodies. There is huge a difference between a lyricist and a songwriter in that the former knows how to write lyrics but does not know how to write melodies. That means an artist will have to come up with their melody.