Video Shows You How To Write and Arrange Music
Learning to write music is nowhere near as hard as learning to write English. Anybody can learn to write music if they have the interest, desire or need. As you learn to write rhythm, write melody and write chords, you are writing music like you write your native language. Then you have the language to write for, compose music and arrange music for saxophones, wind instruments, brass, strings, rhythm section and orchestral instruments.
If you want. You can transpose what you hear and write music down like you’d write down a phone number. One of the best things about being able to write music is being able to write for instruments that you hear playing in your song that you can not play. You simply write music for them and they play for you.
The easiest way to get dozens of musicians to play what you want in two takes is to write music you want them to specifically play. Your musicians will love you. And so too will your listeners and fans. Writing music means people will pay you to arrange and produce their music.
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