How to Write a Music Press Release: 7 Methods that Guarantee Results

Many people are starting to believe that the printed media will not be alive for a lot of time. We are witnessing a slow death of the printed media journals. But, we are also witnessing the rise of digital media, a more accessible form of journalism. With one click you can read whatever article you want including you music press release.
Probably your feed is full of news about the latest inventions or releases. Well, the music press release is one of this news that you can read on your feed. But, you need to catch the reader’s attention. You have the music which you worked on with so much passion that would be a pity not to promote it accordingly.
So, how to write a music press release? You might remember when back in college you needed term paper help? When you needed guidelines? Well, this is what this article is about! You will be able to learn the tips and tricks of writing a good music press release. Also, you will have access to methods that guarantee results.
Write a Music Press Release with a Good Reason
Well, firstly you must clarify the reason you want to send this press release. Avoid reasons like praising the Band X or criticizing the Band Z. These are not good enough reasons to send a music press release.
Instead, focus on an important event that is upcoming. Maybe there is a tour announced and ready to start. Maybe you have a new album that is soon going to be released. Or you have worked on a song that now you want to release.
It is important to keep in mind that the press release you will send must cover an important subject. To have an effect, it needs to be published on media platforms in the news section. So, the reason must be good enough to make editors and writers add the news to their section or their gig calendar.
Use a Press Release Template
The internet is full of templates for everything, but your critical sense must choose the best one. Of course, you can always design your own template. But, be sure you will include all the relevant information.
Remember that it will first be read by editors and writers, so you must catch their attention and include all the information necessary. Think about an academized review which has a short point on every aspect of interest. It’s up to you how you structure the information, but you must include the following information:
- Subject – the subject is easy to notice from the title. So, depending on what you want to announce, build your title. For example, you could say something like this: Band R announces its first European Tour.
- The point – why are you doing this tour? It is probably for promoting the band and gathering more fans. Or, it could be a tour that promotes the latest album. Or you just noticed that a lot of fans are waiting for a tour, so why not do it? Either way, you must state the point of your actions.
- Relevant Info – let all the people know where they can find the tour dates or your latest album
- Band Information – even if you have fans that are waiting for your newest releases and know your activity, a short band info will not harm. Maybe you catch the attention of other people that do not know about you yet.
- Contact Information – of course, the fans and not only need to have contact information, someone that can share more details with them. If you have a person who is responsible for this, would be a relief for you. If not, you must plan your agenda very well to take care of everything.
Pay Attention to Your Grammar and Punctuation
You must keep in mind that everything that appears in the online world and not only, builds your image as a band. We all know that mistakes are easy to notice, and others might take advantage of your mistakes.
So, you must assure that your music press release does not have any grammar or punctuation mistakes. If you are not sure about some details, you can get the help of Easy Essays, a devoted team that will proofread your press release.
We are not perfect and there is no shame in not knowing some grammar details. That is why there are a lot of professionals ready to help you whenever needed.
Pay Attention to Details
Wanting to catch the attention of many readers and fans, you might fall in the trap of adding too many details. You might want to play a little bit with the fonts, colors or images attached to your music press release.
Well, this is not a bad thing if you do not exaggerate. Keep in mind that your press release must be a combination of a minimalistic and detailed press release. Keep it simple and do not add sparkly fonts or text effects. Present the information in an attractive and easy to read way.
Be Modest
It is easier to be cocky after you achieve your goal. It is easy to become cocky when you have a huge tour to announce. Or when you have a new album. Well, even though some might be fans of this attitude, most of them will not.
Do not praise yourself. Everything the others need to notice is your passion when comes about music. This passion will bring you fans, not your cocky attitude.
Do Not Send Attachments
It is easier and more comfortable to attach a Word document with all the details and to hit the send button. Well, sending an attachment might not be a good idea. Most of the companies have restrictions when receiving emails with large files.
And most of them will block your email even before it will get to its recipient. So, even if you would be tempted to choose the easy way, avoid sending attachments. Better be sure that your email has reached its sender.
Include Links in you Music Press Release
Sending all the information in an email gives you the possibility of adding some hyperlinks. These links might include your social profile or your band page. You can also add links to social events you have created or to your website.
What is important not to miss is to add a link to a folder with photos of you. You will avoid the situation when a writer will search for photos of you to include in their article. And, like this, it will be easier to tag you when they will post your music press release.
A music press release is always used with a good reason. Find your hook and let the others know what you are preparing. Whether it is a new tour, a new album or just a new song, send the information in a simple and concise way, without adding too many details. Let your fans discover what you have prepared for them.
Always check your grammar and punctuation and get the help of professional dissertation writers to proofread it. Avoid adding sparkling fonts and colored words. Follow a template and include all the relevant information.
Avoid sending it in an attachment because it might get lost. Include links to your band page and give the bloggers and writers access to your folder of band photos.
Author Bio:
Scott Mathews is a professional writer from Rusmyessay. Because he enjoys writing so much, he also contributes to Best Essay. Students from all over the world get his help on custom assignment writing. He is passionate about writing and music and tries to make a fusion by writing articles on music subjects.
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