How to Get an Earworm Song Out of Your Head

How to Get an Earworm Song Out of Your Head


Sometimes a song overheard on the radio or TV can be quite catchy and can stick to one for a long time. Such songs, or ‘earworms’ as they are usually referred to, can cause a lot of trouble simply by humming its own tune in one’s ear for days, or even weeks. For this, there are certain ways of how to get rid of them or calm them down in order to restore the peace of mind.

Method #1 – Giving Up To The Earworm Song

relisten to the melody all the way through

Sure, it might sound weird especially if the goal is to make a song leave the head. However, it’s scientifically proven that songs repeating over and over again are actually only parts, usually a couple of lines that are extremely engaging because of their melody. The reason for the song’s repetition is possibly its memorable tune or lyrics that make sense to the holder.

In order to decelerate it, it’s advised to listen to the melody all the way through for a couple of times. Though it’s considered the most effective method, it doesn’t work every time but it’s worth trying, isn’t it? In case if this option is not pleasant enough for someone, there is a section down below describing other, more radical methods.

Read the Song Lyrics

It happens that the tune itself is not attractive and it causes no trouble, whereas a few lines of lyrics or just a couple of words are rollercoastering without giving the victim a break. In this case, it’s good to have a look at the lyrics. Sometimes, one hums words, which are believed to be in a song, however, having looked them up they are nowhere to be found in the original version.

Singing along and working on the lyrics’ pronunciation can help out sufficiently since the brain starts digesting the song, which makes it more conscious and therefore, encourages forgetfulness.

In case, if simple reviewing of a song’s lyrics doesn’t resolve the issue, then it might help to memorize them by rehearsing over and over again. This will also force the brain to focus on it and, consequently, lose it in a few tries.

Pickup and Play a Musical Instrument

Playing a musical instrument comes in handy as well. Instead of reproducing the song, it’s helpful and entertaining to cover as a means to trick the brain into catching up with a new melody.


Obviously, there isn’t always time to listen to songs or play them on a musical instrument. Notwithstanding, a victim can do a very simple technique that reduces anger and defocus, which is concerned with imagination.


  • A volume switch being turned down until the melody seems more like a distant whisper.
  • A wall being erected between yourself and an imaginary sound source. It’s done slowly and gradually to make it as real as possible.
  • Experimenting with the song’s properties, such as speed, pitch, etc.

Imagine Destruction

This approach should be used only if any of the previous ones have worked out. When the hated melody is nothing but slightly suggestive, it’s a long time to finish it completely. For this, imagination is required again and is followed by visualizing:

  • A dagger or sable rapidly cutting an abstract connection between the holder and a song.
  • An old rusty gramophone with a vinyl record rotating on it. As the record slows down the needle is removed upwards and the sound gradually stops and there is nothing but silence.

Method #2 Using Additional Means

These methods are efficient in cases when an earworm song has not made its way deep in the brain. Sometimes, it’s already stuck there annoying the heck out of a person. For this reason, there are a few radical options to be applied.

Try Bubblegum

Bubblegum is believed to have a positive impact on the issue. Chewing it for a long time supposedly hums down a song itself by concentrating on the tasty sweet in the mouth.

Think of Other Things

Giving in yourself to deep and thoughtful meditation is regarded by studies as a means to lose the sense of presence and switch the attention to something else. It might not work right away, but a few tries later the results will be surprising.

Direct Your Focus

If relaxing and meditating from reality don’t do their job, then meticulous and focused occupations can give a hand. They include solving a riddle or a puzzle, playing scrabble or, even, dealing with deciphering anagrams. It’s proven that doing such activities engages the same part of the brain as the one tortured by a noise song. On the other, being too focused to the extent of anger doesn’t influence favorably since the sticky tune can be strengthened up.

Engage in Distracting Activities

Other activities that include quiet reading aloud or listening to audio sounds are too seen as a good way to process a song. For instance, one can meditate while humming a mantra or carefully listening to nature sounds. Or, reading an interesting book, or watching TV. It doesn’t really matter which amenities are chosen as long as they provide a feeling of comfort and, more importantly, constant focus.

Listen to a New and Different Song

As they say – evil cures evil. In the case of an evil song, one can entrust their wellbeing into the hands of another famous melody. Doubtlessly, everybody has their preferences and a short list of the most hated tunes. However, there are a few standard songs that are most probably known by everyone, such as:

  • Hit the Road Jack by Ray Charles
  • Happy Birthday to You
  • Mama Loves Mambo by Perry Como
  • Thunder by Imagine Dragons
  • Baby by Justine Bieber, etc.

Work on Solving Problems

Along with flexing the brain while doing riddles or puzzles, mathematical equations are also a good solution. Dividing, multiplying and other arithmetical activities will definitely shift any attention problem. However, it’s practical to choose something that is known and won’t take long to be resolved.

In conclusion, there are many ways of getting rid of an earworm song. The problem is not how to do it but what way to choose in order to ease your life for good.

My name is Erica Fleming. I support the effective adoption of new technologies or ways of working within writing by communicating complex information in an informative and inspiring way. My works you can at I’m fond of writing articles for students, helping with essays.

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