Lyric Writing Tools You Should Add to Your Songwriting Toolbox

Lyric Writing Tools You Should Add to Your Songwriting Toolbox

hammer-nail Lyric Writing Tools You Should Add to Your Songwriting Toolbox
Tools make things easier. That is why lyric writing tools are so important in the song creation process. Imagine trying to drive a nail into a board with your fist.  Not only would it be painful, it would not do the job properly. Now imagine driving that same nail using a hammer.  It is so much easier to accomplish the task using the correct tool.  As a songwriter you need lyric writing tools.

Having the proper tools is vital to the songwriting process. Taking the nail example, imagine again driving the nail into the board.  Except this time use a screwdriver.  Obviously the screwdriver is ineffective in driving the nail.  The same thing is true with lyric writing tools.  It is important to use the right tool.

Red Tool BoxOne of the primary goals of this website is to help songwriters.  In order to do that, many different tools are made available on this site to help you write songs.  Having the right tool at the right time is important.  Having the right tool should never be underestimated.  The key is to learn as much as possible in regards to writings songs.  Build your songwriting toolkit with songwriting software, books, and applications relevant to songwriting.

Songwriting is a creative activity.  But sometimes you hit a wall.  Everything is just flowing then bam, you just can’t find the right word needed in you lyric.  This can be quite frustrating.  However with the RIGHT lyric writing tool you can move past this creative impasse.  Use the resources available in your songwriting toolkit.

To start building your toolkit, you will need to include at minimum the following three vital tools.


DictionaryEvery writer must have a dictionary.  Dictionaries provide you with the correct meaning of a word.  Understanding the essential meaning of a word is important when you are communicating.  Songs communicate thoughts, emotions, and stories to the listener.  Having a rich vocabulary will help you as a songwriter better express your music’s intent.  As you use a dictionary you will discover that your vocabulary will grow in the process.


Roget's ThesarusIf you have a specific thought in your lyric and the word you start with does not fit, a thesaurus will help you find other words with similar meanings. Language has many nuances and this songwriting tool will help bring out these nuances. A thesaurus is a collection of words in groups of synonyms and related concepts.

Rhyming Dictionary

Rhyming DictionarySong lyrics are structured using rhyme patterns. Because of this a rhyming dictionary is a vital piece in your songwriting toolkit. The words in a rhyming dictionary are grouped into words that rhyme with each other.  The words are arranged according to its word endings and are organized alphabetical using the vowel sounds.


Your Lyric Writing Tools

With these three essential tools the process of writing lyrics is made simpler. If you don’t already have these tools then get them as soon as possible. For your convenience this website is making available a Thesaurus and Rhyming Dictionary.  There are other resources as well available online.  In addition to having these tools online, you should also get hard copies of these tools.

For additional tools to help write song check out the Essential Songwriter’s Toolkit page for more valuable resources.

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Songwriter, Composer, Musician, Blogger, Web Developer, Guitarist, Programmer. Owner of Mediatunes Inc. a multimedia organization. Member of ASCAP

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