Using loops and music samples can be a useful tool for songwriters

Using loops and music samples can be a useful tool for songwriters. Here is a collection of various packages you can use in your songwriting process.
- Ableton Live Packs
Ableton Live is a loop-based software music sequencer for Mac OS and Windows by Ableton. The Live packs available on this site are collections of samples, loops, patches and programs which can all be utilized within the Live environment, - Drum and Bass Samples
Current selection of royalty free Drum and Bass samples and sample - House samples
Current selection of royalty free House samples and sample CD downloads. House Samples, House Sample Cd, Dance Samples, Minimal Samples, Electro House, Funky House, Minimal House - Loopmasters Artist Series
Loopmasters Artist Series, Artist Sample CDs, Producer Loops, Artist Sound LIbraries - Minimal House Samples
current selection of royalty free Minimal samples and sample CD downloads. Minimal Samples, Minimal House Loops, Minimal House Textures, Minimal Sounds - Reason Refills
A Reason refill is a collection of either Wav or Rex Samples, patches and programs for Reason instruments, or more usually a combination of all of these together. A Reason Refill will only open and work with Propellerheads Reason music software package, a - Royalty Free Samples
Loopmasters Pro Sample Cds, Sample Boutique, Downloadable Samples, Royalty Free Sample Libraries, Rex Files, Reason Refills and Dance Samples for Electronic Producers and Djs Worldwide
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