Q22 Songwriting tips for lyricists, poets and songwriters

Question 22: Should I send my material to publishers unsolicited or should I call or write them first and ask their permission to send them a tape, CD or MP3? It is always best to call and ask their permission first. If you have a publishers address only and no phone number call directory assistance for their phone number and give them a call first. You can obtain free directory assistance for most places by dialing 1 + AREA CODE + 555-1212. When you do get through to someone at a publishing company ask them if you can send them a tape, CD or MP3 of your material for consideration. Be sure to ask them how many songs they would be willing to listen on your demo tape. Many publishing company’s will not accept unsolicited material, so don’t waste your hard earned money and your time sending tapes or CD’s out blindly. CALL first. Get permission from a specific person at a company before sending any material. If no one has requested your package, it most likely will be returned to you un-opened and marked “Unsolicited – Return to Sender.” songsculptor.com Richard Melvin Brown (Songsculptor) provides a helping hand to lyricists (with little or no musical ability) in realizing their dreams of becoming a Professional Songwriter. Can you write a GREAT lyric but can’t carry a tune in a bucket? If so visit us on the web at http


Author: TheSongsculptor
Duration: 87
Published: 2011-03-23 22:03:05
Q22 Songwriting tips for lyricists, poets and songwriters

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